Cosmic Chess Match Pdf
The world has a big surprise coming. The Bible tells us that there is a strong delusion coming our way, convincing people to 'believe the lie.' What lie is that? Marzulli, along with Gary Stearman, believes that this lie could be a worldwide UFO appearance that convinces people that our 'ascended masters' have returned to save their creation from self-destruction. Of course, this. Download Cosmic Chess Match PDF Online. Telusuri video lainnya. Diputar Berikutnya. 0:08 PDF Download Chess Exam: You vs. Bobby Fischer: Matches Against Chess Legends: Play the Match.
The Cosmic Chess Match
by L. A. Marzulli
A war has been raging in another dimension and spilling over into ours since the beginning of Creation with moves and counter moves by two opposing “players,”as each seeks to gain an advantage over the other. For whatever reason, in the distant past, Lucifer rebelled against El Elyon and sought to magnify himself. Why did this cosmic chess match begin in the first place? What are some of the moves each player has executed down through the millennia?
Was Charles Darwin a part of this great cosmic chess match, or was he an unwilling pawn? L. A. Marzulli’s new book will tantalize and amaze you as you track the trail of the Fallen One down through history. From his eternal home in heaven; to the Garden of Eden where he left the genetic footprints of the Nephilim; to UFO and alien deceptions; and ultimately, to Satan’s one-way ticket to the Lake of Fire! This book will take you on quite a wild ride, back into the past and looking ahead to future events. L.A. Marzulli’s personal testimony, a real “game-changer” is included in this book.
1. And the Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail
2. The Promise of the Messiah
3. The Three Heavens
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4. The Move That Almost Won the Game For the Fallen One: Genesis 6 and the Flood of Noah
5. Nimrod and the Tower of Babel
6. Job: A Look Into the Third Heaven
7. Abraham
8. Sodom and Gomorah
9. Moses: The Battle Between the Two Sides Graphically Demonstrated
10. The Giants in the Promised Land: Why Are They There?
11. The Birth of the Messiah and the Slaughter of the Innocents
12. The Temptation in the Desert
13. Boots on the Ground! The Messiah and the Demoniac
14. The Transfiguration
15. A Second Attempt To Kill Jesus
16. The Raising of Lazarus
17. The Crucifixion: The Fallen One’s Miscalculation
18. 70 AD: Yet Another Attempt at Annihilation
19. How Prophecy Affects the Match
20. The 9th of Av
21. Darwinism: A Theory of Deception
22. The Holocaust: The Deadliest Move of the Fallen One
23. Countermove: From the Ashes of the Holocaust the Nation of Israel is Born
24. Lies From the Second Heaven: A Look at the So-Called Prophecies of the Maya, Nostradamus, the Hopi Indians, Edgar Cayce and Blossom Goodchild.
25. Abortion: Opening the Gates of Hell
26. What is to Come: War in Heaven That Will Cast Satan to Earth
27. The Antichrist & Modern Nephilim: Mount Hermon & The Temple Mount: The Last Moves
28. Have We Been Deliberately Set Up Through the Centuries For Such a Time As This? Is This the End Game of the Fallen One?
29. Whose Side Are You On in This War?
30. Personal Testimony: How I Became Born Again and Spirit Filled
31. Recommended Reading List
Item # BK003
336 pages
The difference (subtraction) of squares may also berepresented graphically as depicted in Figure 3:The Chess Board may be discovered to have a common center,which can be located at the point of intersection of diagonals constructed fromthe four corners of the board. This is true also of the Masonic Pavement.In a manner identical to that used in the layout of the Masonic Pavement, theChess Board is constructed from its center outwards in four concentric ringswith each quadrant of the board encompassing four groups of nested squares (SeeFigure 4) which are identical to the nested squares associated with the 3, 5, 7sequence shown in Figure 3. Among other things, the arrangement of the nested 3,5, 7 Difference in Squares incorporates an approximation of the Golden Spiral.One of thekey features of the Board Layout when envisioned as nested squares derived fromthe 3, 5, and 7 sequence is that when all four quadrants are considered there isa central common group of four contiguous squares (shown in black outline inFigure 4).
The only two Chess pieces which are capable of simultaneouslycontrolling all four of this group of squares are the King and Queen. Four (4)is a cubic number (and 4 X 4 X 4 = 64). In this regards, the four squares, whichin a Masonic Mosaic Pavement would be occupied by the Altar, represent the Holyof Holies in Solomon’s Temple. The traditional symbolism of the Chess Pieces(the King and Queen) are that the King represents the Sun, and the Queenrepresents the Moon.
This symbolism identifies the four squares as the center ofthe universe from the Astrological standpoint, and places two of the threeLesser Lights of Freemasonry on the altar.There is an additional feature of the “Nested Squares”which requires a three-dimensional perspective, in which each of the nestedsquares in the board is considered to be a three-dimensional cube (Visualize theChess Board to represent a top-downward view of nested cubes). This is aplausible consideration since the number 12 which describes the cube and thesequence 3, 5, and 7 are related. Albert Pike wrote (concerning the cube) that:We have visible three faces, and nine external lines,drawn between seven points. The complete cube has three more faces, making six;three more lines, making twelve; and one more point, making eight. As the number12 includes the sacred numbers, 3, 5, 7, and 3 times 3, or 9, and is produced by adding the sacred number 3 to 9; while itsown two figures 1, 2 the unit or monad, and duad, added together, make the samesacred number 3; it was called the perfect number; and the cube became thesymbol of perfection.Thus, if we consider each nested square to have a heightequal to its length and width them stacking the nested cubes results in afour-stepped Ziggurat as shown in Figure 5.
This Ziggurat has been interpretedas representing the “world mountain” which the ancients believed was the centralaxis of the revolving cosmos.There are a significant number of other esotericcharacteristics incorporated into the Chess Board Layout.The natural symmetric division of the Chess Board into four quadrants taken inthe context of astrological symbolism represent the four opposing seasonalcycles. Extension of this symbolism into the art and science of Alchemy wouldfind a correlation between the Chess Board Layout and the so-called “Square ofOpposition” of the elements (Figure 6) proposed by Aristotle.Other characteristics of the Chess Board also fall in linewith our current discussion of Astrological associations, namely that theperimeter of the board consists of 28 squares (Figure 7), which correlates withan approximation of the number of days in a monthly lunar cycle. The Chess PiecesThe major chess pieces representthe three traditional energy forces analogous to the three forces represented bythe Christian Cross (active, passive, and modulating) and which form theTheological basis of the Christian Trinity.The game is played with a total of thirty-two pieces,sixteen pieces are black and sixteen are white. In each set of sixteen there isone King, One Queen, Two Bishops, Two Knights, Two Rooks, and Eight Pawns.Figure 8 provides an illustration of the initial placement of the Chess Pieceson the Board.The symbolism of the Chess Pieces is largely found byexamination of their function and the range of freedom with which they may moveon the board. Brother Manly P. Hallaptly describes the role of the Chess Pieces as representative of the spiritualconstitution of man. Hall observes in this regard that:“Of the philosophical constitution of man, the kingsrepresent the spirit; the queens the mind; the bishops the emotions; the knightsthe vitality; the castles, or rooks, the physical body.
The pieces upon thekings' side are positive; those upon the queens' side, negative. The pawns arethe sensory impulses and perceptive faculties-the eight parts of the soul. Thewhite king and his suite symbolize the Self and its vehicles; the black king andhis retinue, the not-self-the false Ego and its legion. The game of chess thussets forth the eternal struggle of each part of man's compound nature againstthe shadow of itself. The nature of each of the chessmen is revealed by the wayin which it moves; geometry is the key to their interpretation. For example: Thecastle (the body) moves on the square; the bishop (the emotions) moves on theslant; the king, being the spirit, cannot be captured, but loses the battle whenso surrounded that it cannot escape.”The pieces may be found to have analogy to planetarybodies, the elements, cardinal direction, and many other forms. In the view ofthe Chess Board as an Astrological platform, one of the most interestingsymbolisms of the Chess Pieces concerns their planetary associations.These planetary associations are consistent with the layout of the Lodge in thatthe original Blazing Star which was central to the Lodge pavement was a Hexagramand notthe Pentagram.
The Hexagram is itself a common symbol of planetary order.In the Astrological scheme, as already noted, the Kingrepresents the Sun and the Queen represents the Moon. The King may move only onesquare at a time in any direction (including diagonally).
The King capturesother pieces by displacement, i.e. Assuming the square upon which an opposingpiece occupies.
The Queen moves freely vertically, horizontally, or diagonallyand may do so for any desired distance. The Queen captures by displacement.Bishops move diagonally along squares of similar color (black bishops move onblack diagonally connected squares, white bishops on white diagonals).The Bishop’s pattern of movement is decidedly triangular,and is taken to represent the spiritual world.
Astrologically the piecerepresents the Feminine character and the Planet Jupiter. The Rook moves “on thesquare”, that is to say either vertically or horizontally. It is taken torepresent the Masculine character and therefore Saturn.The knight is the only piece which can leap over otherpieces. It can move two squares up and one square over, or one square up and twoover. In this regard the Knight’s movements resemble the Masonic square andrepresents the planet Mars. Pawns move straight forward one square at a time,except that on the first move they may be advanced two squares.
Pawns are uniquein that while they normally move forward, they may move forward diagonally whencapturing an opposing piece. Pawns which move forward to the final rank may beexchanged for a piece of greater value. In this regard they are metaphors forspiritual advancement and reward. Martinists would consider the pawn a symbol ofreintegration both potential and realized.
Pawns are considered to representVenus and Mercury.The Chess Pieces are also attributed to symbolicallyrepresent the four Cardinal Directionsand the four Classical Elements (Fire, Air, Water and Earth).ConclusionChess has gained a reputation for being the game of choicefor individuals in possession of a high intellect. It is interesting to notehowever that medical studiesperformed to evaluate the cognitive function of individuals with a high aptitudefor the game of Chess concluded that intelligence is not a factor in success atthe game. The existence of so-called “idiot savants” who are Chess prodigiesseems to indicate that other factors are responsible for Chess excellence. TheAuthor would speculate that the high esoteric content of the game may havesomething to do with the unexplained capabilities of persons who are naturallytalented Chess players; perhaps in these persons, the Universal Consciousnessspeaks, and speaks loudly.
As for me, I apparently need a new hearing aid.I feel it is important to address the fact that thesquares (and the Chess Pieces) are divided into light and dark shades.Traditionally, this has been taken to represent good and evil (respectively) andthe game has been considered to represent a cosmic battle of the forces of lightand the forces of darkness.I believe a better description is possible. Eachparticipant engaged in the game is assigned either light or dark pieces basedupon a blind system of draw. It is not likely that either participant trulyrepresents evil, regardless of the shade of Chess Piece he or she is given toplay. Much like the esoteric symbolism of the game board and pieces, thestruggle in Chess represents that good and evil are relative to the viewpoint ofthe individual. Certainly during a good Chess match, one’s opponent who isengaged in assaulting your position could be viewed as having evil intenttowards one’s King. The opposite might be true as well.
I believe thisrepresents a great truth in the Cosmos; namely that life is a struggle againstthreats both real and perceived, and is a battle waged for the purpose ofself-knowledge. The exercise of free will in the context of the Chess game, inwhich our choices are constrained only by the game rules (natural law) certainlyparallels the exercise of free will in our lives. Therefore Chess, with itslight and dark squares is a struggle of man with his inner self, waged in arealm consisting of shades of gray.