Thesis Chapter 3 Statistical Treatment

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Chapter 3: Methodology and Design sort of research, such as Frissen and Punie (1998), who study the role of technologies in the lives of busy people. Haddon, who has conducted much research in this field, makes a number of suggestions about the type of research that needs to be done to understand how people are. is a platform for academics to share research papers.

CHAPTER 3Methods and ProcedureThis chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. CHAPTER IIIMETHODOLOGYDescriptive DesignThe researcher used the descriptive design because the study focused onhow the high school students of Palawan Hope Christian School view aboutpremarital sex.Descriptive research is defined as a purposive process of gathering, analyzing,classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs,process, trends, and cause-effect relationships and then making adequate andaccurate interpretation about such date with or without the aid of statisticalmethods.PopulationThere are high school students in Palawan Hope Christian School. girls, and boys, who were the respondents of this study.

There are girls and boys in 1st year & girls and boys in 1st year. girls and boys in 2nd year & girls and boys in 2nd year. girls and boys in 3rd year & girls and boysin 3rd year.Data GatheringThe researcher gathered all the data by reading magazines and newspapers,surfing the internet, and conducting a survey to all the high school students ofPalawan Hope Christian School using the questionnaire. The researcher gathered allthe data that she found necessary contributed to the study.InstrumentThe researcher used the questionnaire to sum up the individual perception of. Chapter 3RESEARCH METHODOLOGYThis chapter presents the methodologies and procedures applied for this study, together with the procedures and methods used in gathering data as well as the statistical tools used in the analysis and interpretation of the findings of the study.Project DesignDescriptive design was employed in this study which involves observing the behavior of the subject without influencing it in any way. It involves collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum in numerical form, such as result of an evaluation survey.

Descriptive research involves gathering of data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution(study focused on the design and creation of a functional prototype for its hardware and software requisites. A software engineering model known as waterfall was used to create the software part of the system to achieve the objectives of the researchThe Waterfall Model shown in figure 2 consisted of six phases: (1) requirements; (2) analysis; ( 3) design; (4) coding; (5) testing and (6) acceptance. While the hardware development part, was done using the prototyping development. Chapter 2Literature ReviewThis chapter presents a brief history regarding social responsibility.

Moreover, the nature of corporate and small business social responsibility will be discussed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages behind socially responsible activities.Brief HistoryCorporate social responsibility is primarily a twentieth-century invention, though its ancient and venerable roots can be traced easily to Biblical sources. The concept is evident, for example, in Deuteronomy 24:10-13 and 25:13-16. The twentieth century has seen an unprecedented growth in the size, importance, and power of the corporation. Moreover, corporations have proven to be extremely efficient at producing goods and services. It is then this success of the corporation that has necessitated the development of the idea of CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility (Krausz; Pava, 1995).Corporate Social ResponsibilityBusiness social responsibility refers to the obligation of businessmen to pursue those policies, to make those decisions, or to follow those lines of action, which are desirable in terms of objectives, and values of our society (Anderson, 1989).There are four theories behind social responsibility and these are classical, stakeholder, social demandingness, and social activist theories. (Karake-Shalhoub, 1999). Classical theory is grounded on classical economic theory.TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINESCUBAO, QUEZON CITYEffects of Social Media in Study Habits on Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering freshman students of Technological Institute of the Philippines S.Y.

2014-2015ofCastro, JustinCriste, John IrvinCruz Jr., RodelitoDollente, Matt JeromeFlores, Albert AndrewGravador, RayvenMagpali, Ryven JewryRiva, Andrei XavierTiamzon, Carlo RonielCHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONThe problem and its backgroundSocial media has not only become mainstream, it is now part of our daily activities. It is now a trend, a part of our modern technology. It continuously develops; its progress does not stop. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Viber, and other websites or applications that allow us to communicate with each other are considered social media. It is considered surprising if one of your companions does notknow these.People nowadays have easy access in these social media sites; it can be accessed through smartphones or computers. In this graph, 90% of people with ages 18 to 29 used social media in the year 2013.

Knowing that freshman students belong in this age bracket, the researchers intend to learn how social media affect the BSCE freshman students’ study habit.“According to a new study, freshmen women spend nearly half their day - 12 hours - engaged in some form of media use, particularly texting, music, the Internet and social networking. Researchers found media use, in general, was associated with.Background of the StudyElectricity plays very important role in the lives of people to make their work become easier and faster.

It also provides productivity to our community. Industries use it to run motors efficiently.Several years ago, REINA which composed of 3 municipalities is simply a single town, which is Infanta. There was no supply of electric current in the town. Some public and private sector uses generator and some devices that generate electricity for the operation of different machineries for the production of goods and services. This also provides light in every home and establishment.Year 1978, the town of Infanta had it first distribution of electric current. The Quezon Electric Cooperative II (QUEZELCO II), a private organization, was established to serve the community by providing service of electricity.

They aim to help people to increase their knowledge about the services they provide for the progress of the community. They also offer help in terms of technical issues. As time pass by, Infanta was divided into 3 different municipalities. These are Real, Infanta and Gen. Nakar, also known as REINA.

Since QUEZELCO II had already serving these municipalities, people start buying different appliances that uses electricity for different purposes. Torrent under the dome season 1 episode 9. For gathering news and entertainment shows, people usually depend on watching television. Though several years ago, people was only using radio to gather news and to entertain. Chapter 3RESEARCH METHODOLOGYIntroductionIn this chapter the research methodology used in the study is described. The geographical area where the study was conducted the study design and the population and sample are described. The instrument used to collect the data, including methods implemented to maintain validity and reliability of the instrument, are described.Research Approach and DesignDenzin and Lincoln (2000) suggest a different, more complex definition. Their definition, which includes observations, interpretations, and transformations, is as follows:Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the world.

It consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that make the world visible. These practices transform the world. They turn the world into a series of representations, including field notes, interviews, conversations, photographs, recordings, and memos to the selfqualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. 3)There are generally two kinds of interviews: 1) Surveys, which are used mostly for quantitative research, and feature close-ended questions which can easily be turned into statistical data. 2) Qualitative interviews are replete with open-ended questions, whose answers should take the form of a narrative by the respondent. CHAPTER 3METHODOLOGYRESEARCH AND DESIGNMethodology and Design used for this specific study will be based on the qualitative design methods, which include interviews of the students of Asian Institute of Computer Studies.This study utilized the descriptive method of research. As widely accepted, the descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study that involves adequate and accurate interpretation of findings.This chapter presents a detailed outline of how an investigation will take place.

A research design will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analyzing data collected.DATA GATHERING PROCEDURESThe researchers make a proposal letter to be approved by Mr. Reyes of Roland Bakery. After the needed information achieved, we went freely inside their Bakery. The researchers conducted an oral interview with the dentist to be able to get all the information needed in the study. After collecting that information the researchers started to make a system that will help them to manage their dental clinic in a simplest way using technology.The data for this research were collected using a survey questionnaire also internet help the researchers and a source of codes to develop a working dental record system.GANTT CHARTTitlePrelimMidtermFinalW1W2W3W4W5W1W2W3. CHAPTER IIIRESEARCH METHODOLOGYMethod of Research to be UsedThis study is a descriptive research and uses a survey method. Questionnaire will be used in gathering data to accumulate information and data regarding the effects of being fluent in English, whether it is advantageous or disadvantageous and if it is true that it causes a change in the usage of the Filipino language.In survey method research, participants will answer questions to be administered through interviews or questionnaires. After participants answer the questions, researchers will describe the responses given.

In order for the survey to be both reliable and valid, it is important that the questions are constructed properly.

CHAPTER 3Methods and ProcedureThis chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. CHAPTER IIIMETHODOLOGYDescriptive DesignThe researcher used the descriptive design because the study focused onhow the high school students of Palawan Hope Christian School view aboutpremarital sex.Descriptive research is defined as a purposive process of gathering, analyzing,classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs,process, trends, and cause-effect relationships and then making adequate andaccurate interpretation about such date with or without the aid of statisticalmethods.PopulationThere are high school students in Palawan Hope Christian School. girls, and boys, who were the respondents of this study. There are girls and boys in 1st year & girls and boys in 1st year. girls and boys in 2nd year & girls and boys in 2nd year. girls and boys in 3rd year & girls and boysin 3rd year.Data GatheringThe researcher gathered all the data by reading magazines and newspapers,surfing the internet, and conducting a survey to all the high school students ofPalawan Hope Christian School using the questionnaire.

The researcher gathered allthe data that she found necessary contributed to the study.InstrumentThe researcher used the questionnaire to sum up the individual perception of. Chapter 3RESEARCH METHODOLOGYThis chapter presents the methodologies and procedures applied for this study, together with the procedures and methods used in gathering data as well as the statistical tools used in the analysis and interpretation of the findings of the study.Project DesignDescriptive design was employed in this study which involves observing the behavior of the subject without influencing it in any way. It involves collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum in numerical form, such as result of an evaluation survey.

Descriptive research involves gathering of data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution(study focused on the design and creation of a functional prototype for its hardware and software requisites. A software engineering model known as waterfall was used to create the software part of the system to achieve the objectives of the researchThe Waterfall Model shown in figure 2 consisted of six phases: (1) requirements; (2) analysis; ( 3) design; (4) coding; (5) testing and (6) acceptance. While the hardware development part, was done using the prototyping development.

Chapter 2Literature ReviewThis chapter presents a brief history regarding social responsibility. Moreover, the nature of corporate and small business social responsibility will be discussed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages behind socially responsible activities.Brief HistoryCorporate social responsibility is primarily a twentieth-century invention, though its ancient and venerable roots can be traced easily to Biblical sources. The concept is evident, for example, in Deuteronomy 24:10-13 and 25:13-16. The twentieth century has seen an unprecedented growth in the size, importance, and power of the corporation. Moreover, corporations have proven to be extremely efficient at producing goods and services. It is then this success of the corporation that has necessitated the development of the idea of CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility (Krausz; Pava, 1995).Corporate Social ResponsibilityBusiness social responsibility refers to the obligation of businessmen to pursue those policies, to make those decisions, or to follow those lines of action, which are desirable in terms of objectives, and values of our society (Anderson, 1989).There are four theories behind social responsibility and these are classical, stakeholder, social demandingness, and social activist theories.

(Karake-Shalhoub, 1999). Classical theory is grounded on classical economic theory.TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINESCUBAO, QUEZON CITYEffects of Social Media in Study Habits on Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering freshman students of Technological Institute of the Philippines S.Y. 2014-2015ofCastro, JustinCriste, John IrvinCruz Jr., RodelitoDollente, Matt JeromeFlores, Albert AndrewGravador, RayvenMagpali, Ryven JewryRiva, Andrei XavierTiamzon, Carlo RonielCHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONThe problem and its backgroundSocial media has not only become mainstream, it is now part of our daily activities. It is now a trend, a part of our modern technology. It continuously develops; its progress does not stop.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Viber, and other websites or applications that allow us to communicate with each other are considered social media. It is considered surprising if one of your companions does notknow these.People nowadays have easy access in these social media sites; it can be accessed through smartphones or computers. In this graph, 90% of people with ages 18 to 29 used social media in the year 2013. Knowing that freshman students belong in this age bracket, the researchers intend to learn how social media affect the BSCE freshman students’ study habit.“According to a new study, freshmen women spend nearly half their day - 12 hours - engaged in some form of media use, particularly texting, music, the Internet and social networking. Researchers found media use, in general, was associated with.Background of the StudyElectricity plays very important role in the lives of people to make their work become easier and faster.

It also provides productivity to our community. Industries use it to run motors efficiently.Several years ago, REINA which composed of 3 municipalities is simply a single town, which is Infanta. There was no supply of electric current in the town. Some public and private sector uses generator and some devices that generate electricity for the operation of different machineries for the production of goods and services. This also provides light in every home and establishment.Year 1978, the town of Infanta had it first distribution of electric current. The Quezon Electric Cooperative II (QUEZELCO II), a private organization, was established to serve the community by providing service of electricity. They aim to help people to increase their knowledge about the services they provide for the progress of the community.

Sprint layout 6 0. Please bear in mind that the use of the software might be restricted in terms of time or functionality.

They also offer help in terms of technical issues. As time pass by, Infanta was divided into 3 different municipalities.

These are Real, Infanta and Gen. Nakar, also known as REINA. Since QUEZELCO II had already serving these municipalities, people start buying different appliances that uses electricity for different purposes. For gathering news and entertainment shows, people usually depend on watching television.


Though several years ago, people was only using radio to gather news and to entertain. Chapter 3RESEARCH METHODOLOGYIntroductionIn this chapter the research methodology used in the study is described. The geographical area where the study was conducted the study design and the population and sample are described.

The instrument used to collect the data, including methods implemented to maintain validity and reliability of the instrument, are described.Research Approach and DesignDenzin and Lincoln (2000) suggest a different, more complex definition. Their definition, which includes observations, interpretations, and transformations, is as follows:Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. It consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that make the world visible. These practices transform the world. They turn the world into a series of representations, including field notes, interviews, conversations, photographs, recordings, and memos to the selfqualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. 3)There are generally two kinds of interviews: 1) Surveys, which are used mostly for quantitative research, and feature close-ended questions which can easily be turned into statistical data.

2) Qualitative interviews are replete with open-ended questions, whose answers should take the form of a narrative by the respondent. CHAPTER 3METHODOLOGYRESEARCH AND DESIGNMethodology and Design used for this specific study will be based on the qualitative design methods, which include interviews of the students of Asian Institute of Computer Studies.This study utilized the descriptive method of research. As widely accepted, the descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study that involves adequate and accurate interpretation of findings.This chapter presents a detailed outline of how an investigation will take place. A research design will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analyzing data collected.DATA GATHERING PROCEDURESThe researchers make a proposal letter to be approved by Mr. Reyes of Roland Bakery. After the needed information achieved, we went freely inside their Bakery. The researchers conducted an oral interview with the dentist to be able to get all the information needed in the study.

After collecting that information the researchers started to make a system that will help them to manage their dental clinic in a simplest way using technology.The data for this research were collected using a survey questionnaire also internet help the researchers and a source of codes to develop a working dental record system.GANTT CHARTTitlePrelimMidtermFinalW1W2W3W4W5W1W2W3. CHAPTER IIIRESEARCH METHODOLOGYMethod of Research to be UsedThis study is a descriptive research and uses a survey method. Questionnaire will be used in gathering data to accumulate information and data regarding the effects of being fluent in English, whether it is advantageous or disadvantageous and if it is true that it causes a change in the usage of the Filipino language.In survey method research, participants will answer questions to be administered through interviews or questionnaires. After participants answer the questions, researchers will describe the responses given.

In order for the survey to be both reliable and valid, it is important that the questions are constructed properly.