How To Fix Needle On Crosley Record Player
How to Replace the Needle on a Crosley Record PlayerIf you are new to the world of records, you are probably excited to purchase your very own record player. Because of their many different models, styles, and prices – the Crosley record player has become one of the most recognized brand of turntable. Their retro styles, different colors, and broad spectrum of features make them ideal for almost any budget, fashion statement and user. However, the truth about a record player is that the needle will eventually need to be replaced. Regardless of the model you choose, if you use your Crosley record player at all, you need to know the basics for replacing the needle.
Below, we discuss the Crosley record player and how to replace your turntable’s needle.The Crosley Record Player: A Turntable for Every GenerationCrosley has been producing record players and radios for quite a while. Decades, in fact.Powell Crosley Jr, the inventor who was responsible for the Crosley record player, actually got his start developing a line of automobile parts during the early twentieth century. To diversify his business portfolio, however, he eventually added an array of other goods to his production line. This include consumer products, appliances and radios.
(Ever wonder who produced the first refrigerator with shelves on the door? Powell Crosley Jr did!) As time wore on, Crosley eventually decided to sell off his many business ventures and the Crosley brand name eventually disappeared. However, in 1984, Crosley radios went through a popularity revival. The first of their modern turntables came off the production line in 1992. Since then, the Crosley name has been making a comeback.The Crosley record player has become associated with a line of all-in-one turntables. These record players are available in different models, including the Messenger, Cruiser, Nomad, Traveler, Keepsake, Musician and Snap. Depending on the model you choose and its included features, these record players typically sell for anywhere between $90 and $600.Crosley record players come in a variety of playable models.
Ensure the power adapter is plugged in and the power light comes on when the volume knob is turned. If the turntable does not come on, you may need a new power adapter. If you turn the knob and it does not move, or if you fail to hear a click, the knob may be faulty. First remove the knob, inspect.
Everyone from a beginner to an expert can find a Crosley record player that fits their budget, personal preferences, and intended use. Because of this, Crosley has become known as the brand that brought back vinyl and introduced a new generation to the wonders of the record.How to Know When a Record Player Needle Needs to Be ReplacedThe general rule of thumb is that a Crosley record player’s needle should last for up to 1,000 hours of use. However, if you have received a second-hand record player, you may not know how many hours the needle has already been used for. (In this case, we would strongly recommend that you change the needle immediately to prevent damaging your records!)In addition to this, certain Crosley record players come with a stock sapphire needle, vice the upgraded diamond stylus needle. These inferior needles typically only last for around 80 to 300 hours instead. (Keep in mind, only certain Crosley models can be upgraded. The Cruiser, for example, cannot be upgraded and will be stuck with a sapphire needle.
This means you will need to replace it much more often.)A new needle and clean record will produce sound that is considered to be concert quality. There will be little distortion and the sound will be almost as good as if the band were playing in front of you. A needle that needs to be replaced, however, will produce poor sound quality and likely skip. When your needle becomes unusable, your Crosley record player will no longer play music.
It is as simple as that.A worn out needle can increase the wear and tear on your records and actually damage them. Therefore, if your needle needs to be replaced, we strongly urge you to do so. After all, damaging your vintage collection of records is not only inconvenient, but it also destroys any resale value had you planned to eventually part with them.Matching the Needle to Your Crosley Record PlayerIt is important to note that Crosley produces many different types of turntables.
To compliment these record players, Crosley also produces several different types of needles. At present, Crosley officially offers several different needle replacement cartridges. This includes, but is not limited to, the NP1, NP5, NP6, NP7, NS1 Stack-O-Matic, and Ortofon 5E.