Aplikasi Penangkap Wifi Untuk Laptop Bags

  воскресенье 19 апреля

Tips ini di berikan bagi yang ingin mengetahui atau setidaknya memiliki gambaran bagaimana cara melakukan setting wifi secara manual.Well.Saya pribadi belum mencoba hal ini, setidaknya untuk saat ini, akan tetapi.tidak ada salahnya jika kita memulai dengan membaca agar kita sedikit lebih mengerti tentang bagaimana cara men-setting wifi pada PSP kita. START SETTING UP PSP WiFi (full guide) – in English.——————————————————————————–Here is a little tutorial on how to set up your PSP onto your home WiFi network.

Dilain sisi, aplikasi WIFI SIGNAL BOOSTER bekerja untuk meningkatkan koneksi internet kamu dengan mendeteksi latar belakang dan sistem aplikasi. Aplikasi ini menggunakan booster internet sinyal WIFI.

Hopefully, I’ve covered most angles (apart from WEP, but those are easy enough to work with, but if need be I can write an attachment tutorial for that) to get your PSP working and connected to the net.Note: this tutorial prosumes you have access to your router and connecting directly to the router.01. Ok, so log into your router – normal address being – and enter in any password that it may ask for02. Now find where your router sets it’s signal type; it will either be B or G type signal or even mixed.03. The PSP works on a B type apparently, so it maybe an idea to set your router to “Mixed” just for compatiblity issues.04. Now find where your DMZ settings are.05.

Here you need to give your PSP a unique IP address, so choose one (I picked; make sure it starts 192.168.1., and where. is put a number between 100-255 (remember not to use a number already in use).06. Overwatch free download. Now you need to find the access type I think, but I’m not at home to find the right name – Ed. and it has to be set to “Open System”; nothing else will work, not even auto.07. Lastly, check to see your allowing the PSP’s MAC address (MAC address looks something like 00:023:B3:E1:4A (those are random HEX characters BTW)). IMO, only allowing access to certain MAC address is more secure than WEP, but you can do both, but I won’t look at WEP access problems as they are fairly straight forward.08. Now go to your PSP and go to Settings and down to Network Settings and click onto Infrastructure Mode (Ad-Hoc is for PSP-2-PSP access, or Peer-2-Peer )09.

Note: might want to do this part with your PSP plugged in and the WLAN switched on as there are problems with the PSP accessing points when it has a lack of battery10. Now make a new connection and give it a name like “Home”; doesn’t matter what you call it, just so long you know where it’s going to be used.11. In WLAN Settings go to Scan and find the SSID of your router.12. In WLAN Security Setting you need to sort that out your self by entering the right key (as I said, I won’t do the WEP stuff in this tutorial).13. In IP Address Setting you want to click on Manual.14.

You need to enter theses settings (I will use my router settings but adjust accordingly) IP: (this is your PSP IP address which needs to be unique) / Subnet Mask: (the Subnet you use, though doubt you need to change this) / Default Router: (router’s IP address) / Primary DNS: (router again) and no need to worry about the Secondary DNS.15. Proxy you need to set accordingly; if you don’t know what this is then go for Do Not Use.16. And Internet Browser do what you want.Hopefully, using this guide, you shall now be able to access the WiFi in your home without problems.If you are having trouble with WiFi after this works or during, make sure you have at least 2 bars of battery or it’s plug in to work.

So many problems are rooted to this.-=-=-=- Thanks to Wolfie for this share!! sweet17th -=-=-=. PSPhat1001 said,March 24, 2011 atAll.buat yang sudah memiliki WiFi di rumah/daerahnya, coba aja di otak atik PSP nya:– Masuk Network Setting– Infrastructure Mode– Select Connection (wifi yang aktif)– WLAN Setting enter manually pilih koneksi wifi yg aktif WPA-PSK (AES) WPA Key (password WiFi)– Address Settings Custom– IP Address Setting Manual– Lihat langkah no 14– Proxy Server Do Not Use– Internet Browser Start– Enter Connection Name (Pilih WiFi yang aktif tadi), lalu tekan “o” untuk SAVE– Done.that’s itsemoga membantu. PSP Slim+2Gb+anti gores: Rp.2.525.000 ##PSP Slim+4Gb+anti gores: Rp.2.700.000 ##PSP Slim+8Gb (value): Rp.3.300.000 ##PSP 3000+4Gb (Value Pack): Rp 2.950.000 ##PSP Deep Red (Eco Pack): Rp 2.700.000 ##PSP Matte Bronze (Eco Pack): Rp 2.700.000 ##PSP FAT memori 2GBUMD Original.Kondisi: Bekas.Harga: Rp. ##NOTE: Patokan/gambaran Harga PSP per Januari 2009 yg diambil dari beberapa sumber. Bagi yang ingin membeli, silahkan cari di toko2 PSP terdekat.dan terpercaya tentunya.

Other Price – Januari 2009.